Circuit Breaker Books


Circuit Breaker Books is a hybrid publisher specializing in contemporary literary fiction, genre fiction, memoir, and creative nonfiction.

Our innovative model marries the best parts of traditional publishing and self-publishing. All books we publish start with the same set of professional book publishing and publicity services that exceed industry standards and best practices. (To see a full list of what’s included in our standard publishing package, click here.) Our authors retain all of their intellectual property rights and receive a higher royalty rate than they would from a traditional publisher.

We have an exacting standard and brand for our publishing house. Every book in our catalog is a shockingly good story supported by our entire team.

Before authors can sign up to work with us, their books must go through our full submissions process to be assessed for the quality of the writing, the book’s salability, and how well it fits with the Circuit Breaker Books brand. Only a percentage of book are accepted.

We welcome authors of all races,  genders, and sexualities. But we do ask that if your story contains characters from marginalized communities you are not a part of that you first work with a paid sensitivity reader from that community to ensure your representation is both accurate and multi-dimensional. (We are happy to provide referrals.)

To submit, start by sending us a brief synopsis of the book. If interested, we’ll ask to see either a sample of the book or the full manuscript. Full manuscript submissions must be fiction or creative nonfiction between 60k and 100k words. Manuscripts should be polished and edited before submission.